We will be having a small awards ceremony tomorrow afternoon for grades 7-11. We are inviting parents to join virtually starting at 12:55. A link will be provided on the website tomorrow.
Link for tonight's Sports Awards and Hall of Fame Ceremony: https://youtu.be/03NIOvD9ZJs
Good luck to our Lady Panthers!
PIAA Softball Championship bracket begins tomorrow where the top 16 teams in the state play off. NEB will play Halifax, 1:30pm, at Lebanon Valley College.
Attached is the link for tickets or you can tune into Wiggle100 to listen to the game.
Good luck to our Lady Panthers!
TIME CHANGE for 6th GRADE FUN FIELD DAYS :The 6th grade class will be joining the 4th & 5th graders at 9:00am this morning due to the incoming rain this afternoon.
Reminder: Tuesday June 8th, will be our annual Sports Awards and Hall of Fame Ceremony at 6pm in the High School gym. We are asking for the 1987 Boys Basketball team and the Boys 2012 Cross Country Team to be in attendance if available. Any questions please call Matt Holmes at 570-744-2521.
Good afternoon NEB families! Please remember to go to our website for information about our summer camps at both schools and sign up soon. We have had a ton of interest and we are so excited! See you this summer!
In an effort to identify the level of Internet access and connectivity that residents have within our school district, we are asking that you complete a short survey. The data collected will greatly assist our school district with obtaining local, state and federal broadband funding to provide additional resources to our students and families. The survey can be accessed at https://tinyurl.com/broadbandsurveypa. Thank you in advance for your time in taking this
Athletes who have lettered this year and are interested in ordering a Varsity N jacket the cost is $225. Your deposit of $112.50 is due when placing the order. The jackets will arrive next fall. Checks payable to Northeast Bradford Varsity N and can be turned in to Mrs. Haight in the front office along with the size you wish to order.
Good afternoon parents - The afterschool program has been cancelled for today due to impending weather. All students will be coming home on the buses at 3:00 dismissal. Thank you.
A local summer experience available to students entering grades 9 - 12 with an interest in the Oil & Gas Industry! Register now! Limit of 10 students!
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the NEB 21st CCLC Summer Camps in both schools! Please see our website for details!
High school yearbook orders are due by June 1; contact AJohnson@nebpanthers.com for more information
Making and Marketing Cheese Flyer
Good afternoon, after school families. The last day of the 21st CCLC afterschool programs for this school year is June 3rd, 2021. If anyone is interested in attending the 21st CCLC program this summer, information about registration will be coming soon. Thank you for the support during this school year, and have a nice day.
The High School music program will be performing their Spring Pops Concert on Thursday, June 3rd. The concert will include popular songs from TV shows and movies.
The concert will start at 7pm in the high school gym. Admission is free.
Elementary School Parents,
4th marking period progress reports will be sent home with your students this afternoon.
The Northeast Bradford Board of Education approved the following revisions to the 2020-2021 school year calendar: Last day for students - June 11, with dismissal at 12:30 PM. Last day for teachers - June 14.
2021 NEB Greenhouse Plant Sale
Students in Horticulture have assembled a variety of annual and perennial plants in the school’s greenhouse. Stop by and get a view of spring in full bloom. The greenhouse is open during school hours or by appointment.
Plant prices are posted and proceeds support agriculture education. Questions should be directed towards bpifer@nebpanthers.com.
Thank you for your support.
Growing Leaders
Building Communities
Strengthening Agriculture
Please note location change.